I originally started this blog so that I would have somewhere I could record my adventures. I have the worst memory in the world, so I figured this would help me out and allow others to enjoy my constant dealings with the men of D.C. Well, so far this objective has seriously failed.
As a new blogger and a full time student with a job on the side, it is difficult for me to keep up with posting let alone my other responsibilities. With that out there, I will now give you a run down of my foibles since I last posted….the ones I can still remember anyway. These updates will take the form of a numerical list of new things I have learned about dating in dc and myself in general. Each update will come in different posts as I try to piece my life and vague memories together.
1. Men are pigs.
Considering my married man incident and many many other experiences where men have conned me into sleeping with them in one way or another, you'd think I would have been previously convinced of this concept. Well, no I wasn’t.
Considering my married man incident and many many other experiences where men have conned me into sleeping with them in one way or another, you'd think I would have been previously convinced of this concept. Well, no I wasn’t.
When it comes to men, I am inexperienced in an all-too-experienced way. Like many women, if I really like a guy after the first few times of seeing him, I tell everyone, “He’s just different,” which to me means that he doesn’t only want to sleep with me, he actually wants to get to know me.
It turns out that more often than not, and in my experiences every time, all men want to do is get in your pants and the personal emotional interactions are secondary, if that.
Now don’t get me wrong, I am not a very emotional person, but something changed in me recently. I am by no means old, but I feel there is a time in everyone’s life where you feel like it is time to move on from biddie central to actually looking for something long term.
I have been in the biddie stage for some time now, and just realized that with the advent of thinking that men are pigs instead of seeing myself as a pig taking advantage of helpless men, I was getting older. I now know that I am ready for a relationship to take me out of this endless game.
That’s when things really started going down hill. No longer was I the one in the drivers seat. One after another, the men fooled me. They were different….for the few days I knew them. I am gullible and was convinced it would go farther so why not sleep with them now? In the words of my own mother, “you have to try it out before you buy it!”
I "work" with a few guys who are trying to be better and that kind of thought is rampant in your 20's. Guys tend to calm down a bit in their 30's but men by nature are motivated by sex. Of course there will always be douchey married guy but men do learn there's more to it eventually.
ReplyDeleteI have a great post on dating younger guys. I am indulging in Cougarville on my journey to dating enlightenment.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the read. Nice to find women in the same place in life.